1.Position yourself with the fitball under your shinsand hands on the floor 2.Keep your back straightthroughout 3.Bend your elbows, to lower your chest towards theground to start exercise 4.Slowly push back to the startingposition 5.This exercise strengthens your armmuscles
Degree ofdifficulty level 1 - hips on theball level 2 - knees on theball level 3 - feet on theball
Method (Lifting opposite arm andleg) 1.Position yourself with the fitball under your stomachwith both hands on the floor and legs in the air 2.Keep your back straightthroughout 3.Lift up your right hand and left leg together to startexercise 4.Alternate with left hand and right legtogether.Stabilize yourself to strengthen your back.
Degree ofdifficulty Holding your positions for a few minutes.Holdit longer for higherdifficulty
Method (Alternate leglifts) 1.Sit on the fitball so that your 2 feet are firmlyplaced on the floor 2.Keep your back straightthroughout 3.Lift up 1 leg and start bouncing on the ball to startexercise 4.Alternate with the otherleg. 5.This engages hips and strengthening legs,absand back
Method (Wallsquats) 1.Position the fitball between your back and thewall 2.Keep your feet shoulder width apart (or slightlywider) 3.Keep your back straightthroughout. 4.Bend knees and push up with your weight through yourheels to startexercise 5.This exercise strengthens your legmuscles